The Straights Are at It Again Imgur


Nether review

Are there any plans to support SVG files?

There are no plans yet, just if this gets upvoted plenty then maybe there will be :)



I don't know why anyone else hasn't given this message back, but you really deserve information technology. Sinse the day I first used imgur, it has become a function om my daily life. Your work is crawly.

/year subscriber/


Under review

I have no idea if this is possible merely I would love a role that lets you upload an image past simply pasting it without saving it locally beginning.

Madness seen on the Internets --> Printscreen --> Imgur --> Ctrl-V --> Washed.

It looks like this is possible with some new HTML5 features. If enough people ask for it here, so you'll accept it!


I desire to download all my albums and pictures converted into folders with pictures in 1 zip, gzip format.
information technology is possible to practise this ?


I've recently had to restore my estimator and would like for my photos to exist back on my computer - any possible chance there will be an option like that before long?


Get md5 or something to check if in that location is duplicates; on your business relationship and / or on the whole site. At times the site manages to load the same epitome ten times, and takes forever to delete again.


Correct now, if you go to "Favorites" it shows yous all images you had favorited over the time.
At present I want to categorize these favorites for case some images goes into the category/album/binder/... "funny", some into "pretty girls", or possibly some into "incredible places"...something like that.


Under review

 The by couple days my browser has been unable to load imgur images. How do I fix this? Any time I click a link from reddit, imgur stalls out and the image doesn't load.



This is the one feature that is property me back from using imgur instead of flickr


I want have root anthology 'Trips' and many sub-albums in it.

---[India 23.05.2009]
---[Berlin 10.08.2010]
and east.t.c



Images hosted at imgur do not work while the refferer is Delight, unblock it.

Lamentable, this site has been blocked considering we found images being hotlinked that broke our terms of service. Our CEO has decided non to unblock information technology.


Hello, as I am browsing alot on my phone, imgur had e'er been on mobile settings. But some fourth dimension ago it went from mobile to normal
I tried switching back only failed just put me back to imgur, so i started looking for the mobile button subsequently searching i found information technology on yhe button of the page, i institute out that this the most annoying place every, as soon equally yous meet it. It loads either for me more pictures or comments and if you lot try to exist fast and click and ordinarily terminate upwardly on a different picture, this fighting for mobile settings is everything but fun
I would like to ask for you guys to move it to a more static place

Thank you for reading


Under review

First of all, cheers for Imgur. I feel similar i have finally found my family. that being said, every family has a drunken uncle or two, and here they take the course of downvote fairies. It seems that in the mad dash for top comment some people take constitute that downvoting every comment effectually them can keep theirs loftier on the list and visible. Ii possible solutions that i have seen:

ane) Brand each downvote "toll" points from your accumulated reserve (though some people might try to get around this by united nations-downvoting comments after theirs is clearly a runaway pb)
two) Make total upvotes/downvotes given from each user visible on their profile. that would arrive easy to differentiate between a person who occasionally downvotes a bad idea from someone who downvotes competitively.

That being said, I honey Imgur. These are but suggestions. continue doin' what yous are doin'.



I guess you would customize information technology to match the outlook of existing buttons. And that could take a while!



I just had an ad start playing audio without my permission (I was on another tab at the fourth dimension). This is not cool - set up it please!

I was Scholl (spelling?) croaky heels advertizement.

Cheers so much for reporting this to me. Audio ads are definetily non something we desire on the site, and the offending ad network has been disabled. Delight let me know if you ever run across something like this once again.



I love what your doing around hither lately for sure , thumbs way upwardly, Nicest image hosting site around :) keep up the great work.



Subsequently hiding an epitome, it just disappears from my gallery (obviously).  However, it would be nice to be able to disengage this action, or to be able to delete it later hiding, or mayhap even unhiding.


Y'all can't. It says "permanently hide this image". It totally removes it from your business relationship.



The bones thought is to make the images appear like they are hosted on our domains.

This can be made a Pro simply feature!

That'south an awesome idea! I'll see what I can do.



Like a slideshow feature too like Flickr has, that'd exist cool!!

Done. Yous can now embed albums.


It would exist great to be able to add a few lines of prototype explanation to be part of the prototype'south metadata so that when press download my images the caption is included.



In some browsers ( thousand. Chrome), it's really hard to get the direct URL of submitted Imgur images.

Intuitively, I should be able to click in the text field containing the direct URL, highlight it, and either right-click and select Copy or printing Control-C, Alt-C, or Command-C, depending on the operating system.

Imgur tries to assistance by automatically highlighting and copying the URL to the clipboard when a user clicks the text field. All the same, when some browsers evaluate the JavaScript lawmaking that does this, they fail to actually re-create the URL to the clipboard. Since this fails silently, users may end up pasting the wrong URL somewhere else. The original URL can be irretrievably lost.

The automatic highlighting and copying prevents users from manually copying the URL. This hurts Chrome users among others. Worse, this behavior punishes users for their assumption that Imgur works like any other HTML folio.

Web 2 is fine, merely a Spider web ii folio should gracefully downgrade to Web 1 behavior. That's a practical example, here's the theory.

Apple Human being Interface Guidelines
http://world wide

P.Southward. The "Sign in with" pop-ups for submitting feedback don't always work in Chrome.


I know that there is a way to report private comments, but is it possible to report entire users? As well posting their proper noun here like I've seen? I've noticed quite a few spammers lately and I merely thought it might exist easier than going through and reporting each of their private comments.

I've been told that the power to individually report posts is better considering it allows merely the bad posts to be reported and removed, likewise as keeping from potential abuse of people getting reported willy-nilly. But if a sort of, perhaps more time consuming or indirect method could be established, I retrieve it would be very helpful when information technology comes to users who are being used purely for posting spam. For instance something where you accept to post a reason for the written report and maybe a link to at least 3 or so instances that proves a need for it? I don't know something along that line.

I know you lot guys are working hard to keep imgur a great place and I love and appreciate everything you exercise. This is a wonderful site. Just a small-scale suggestion to help keep the community clean and fun.


Not all of us similar our online identities being managed past the big networks. Give your users complete command of our identities and allow the states to sign up and login with OpenID.


Hey! Thank you for a really slap-up, usable epitome host. For daily needs, I infinitely prefer imgur over all the alternatives!

I take a request, though. Oftentimes, when I'm viewing an album of images, I like to save them to my estimator. Since I use the DownThemAll Firefox extension, which makes things really like shooting fish in a barrel if they're all on one page, when uploaders cull the "Blog Layout" album manner, I can download them really easily. Unfortunately, if the uploader chooses another anthology mode, I can't practise this.

An option for viewers to alter the layout of albums they are viewing would be much appreciated. Uploaders could still specify a layout preference that would be loaded past default, but viewers could select from vertical, horizontal, grid, and blog layouts if they preferred a different style.




agreed it is not supported past cyberspace explorer or firefox.

just well... what the heck. be the beginning paradigm sharing service to back up information technology?

imagemagick has already added support for it. not sure if information technology is relevant here!

This is a piddling difficult right now because nothing seems to exist able to detect the mime type, since it'due south so new. I'll come across what I can practise though.


Keep getting "Upload failed. -230 Security Error"

Have tried uploading with multiple browsers, no extensions, different pictures, null works.



There will be! I'g currently working on a favorites feature that will salve other people images into a special section of y'all account. You'll be able to do everything you tin can with these images that you tin can do with y'all own, except delete of edit them of course. This includes adding them to albums.



I know this sounds counterintuitive for your throughclicks ratio, but please try it out a few weeks. Y'all never know what will happen.

We're currently working with Twitter on this. It's all on them to build this feature, but things are looking promising.

UPDATE: Twitter has straight up told us NO. We fifty-fifty had lunch with a guy who was supposedly in accuse of information technology and he said that at that place will be no more than sites added to their interface. I don't think they realize how big of a mistake that is.


Under review

I only wanted to post here to see if at that place is in that location any way that we can get an option to block users. While 99% of the people are Imgur are awesome, there'south always those few people in every group that are only in that location to try to make everyone else miserable. A perfect example of this is someone who made a new account today with the sole purpose of mimicking and annoying another user (as is stated in their profile comment). And now anyone who suggests that he calms down becomes a focus for his childishness equally he adds their names to his contour "rant" and goes out of his style to discover and respond to comments fabricated by those people. Having my notifications spammed by someone screaming in all caps lock isn't my thought of fun.



It would be cool to have a link to whatever page is referring the most hits. That way nosotros could meet the reddit thread assosiated with an image if we are browsing on imgur.

More in-depth stats are planned, and there will probably be links to the summit 5 referrers. However, there are some other things ahead of it right now so it could be a few months down the road.


Now when uploading images that greenish bar goes to 100% in 2 seconds (4MB picture on 100Mbps Up/Down connection) and then it is stuck it that position for one minute earlier it goes to upload next flick. This is actually abrasive.



I can't see many of images uploaded to imgur now. :(

There are some issues with people non being able to load images, specifically in Europe and The Netherlands. I've contacted Edgecast (the network used to display the images) and they're enlightened of what'south happening and are working to go information technology fixed.

Sorry for the trouble, just information technology looks like things are out of my easily at this point. Notwithstanding, Edgecast is usually really on meridian of things, so I expect this should be resolved soon.


It's actually quite simple. If within the first hour of posting a comment (no bespeak in revising by then) you wish to revise your annotate, you lot tin. Yet, comments which have been edited are clearly, and I cannot stress this plenty, marked equally edited and all replies are marked every bit being towards an earlier revision. Perhaps permit only a single edit on the comment. If you lot're worried about people changing the content of their comment after it'due south go popular, allow similar v letters of difference maximum, plenty to correct minor spelling errors (swapping letters, forgot a letter, etc.) This can be implemented simply, but it has to be in a fashion that doesn't let for ambiguity on whether or not a comment has been edited.



Starting yesterday, I've been oft unable to apply my browser'due south dorsum push button to return to where I came from while using imgur. I'thousand using Google Chrome 18 on Windows 7. I doubtable the problem has something to practise with ads, as the status bar shows advert URL's when I click dorsum.


I made this web app (Meemoo webcam to stop-movement gif) that has imgur uploading with CORS/jQuery (yay!).

Now it would exist cool to enable CORS on the server then that my app could load imgur images into the html5 canvas, change them, and make new images. The future!

Paste this into Meemoo'south source and you'll see the security mistake from context.getImageData() in the console:

{"info":{"championship":"no imgur cors","writer":"forresto","description":"c'mon imgur"},"nodes":[{"src":"","x":140,"y":73,"z":0,"w":330,"h":281,"state":{"dataurl":""},"id":0}],"edges":[]}            


Since Imgur now supports WebM and MP4 formats, why tin't nosotros upload these direct? I practise a lot of "GIF" editing in video editors, and I have to jump through several conversions and lose quality thanks to GIFiffication because I need to upload as a GIF, despite the fact that the epitome will finish up every bit a WebM anyway.



There was an outage with Imgur's commitment network (Edgecast). It affected other big sites like LinkedIn and Wordpress too. Everything is fixed now with information technology.


Under review

A clever comment stuck in my head, and I remembered the username, but not the photo they commented on, so I couldn't detect them again.  I looked, but couldn't notice a feature which immune me to search for people by their username.

Does not currently exist.


There seems to be an upshot with how the pages are loaded. Using arrow scrolling the memory usage becomes very high until the Os starts freaking out about memory management and stuff. Same issue with firefox equally well equally chrome.



The new backend is pretty crawly. The only thing missing is the Select All push button that tin can be shown for functions like delete/edit/lawmaking generate. Please consider this!

Thanks for another fantabulous suggestion, Sushubh. I take plans for this, likewise every bit a "Deselect All" link.


I take submitted an image to the gallery and now i wish to change the explanation of information technology. I accept tried changing it under "change explanation/description" when clicking on the image in "my images". It says that the caption is now updated - only when i go to the image in the gallery, its still the one-time ane? how do I change information technology?

And some other question - how come it is non possible to view the description on the submitted paradigm?



Can yous add option to create image titles from image file names?


Imgur won't save my comments, no affair how many times I resubmit them or reload the page, they never get through, and I never see them once again. Half the fun of the website is leaving comments, and I oasis't been able to since I got an account! Is it because I'one thousand using an ipad??


these by few days imgur has been down for maintenance frequently and for long periods of time. I simply wanted to permit you know that, it makes me want to cry for the rest of my life and burn cities to the ground. I miss imgur :(



For each gallery and paradigm there would be nice with some statistics. How many viewers and traffic each mean solar day etc. for galleries and images. Refere links would be nice too.

Don't know what more to add right now.

I just release the account statistics page that should help with this. You tin can find information technology by hovering over your username when you're signed in.


Under review

Cyclone ten ár síðan updated by Sarah 10 ár síðan

A mode to see user rankings would certain exist squeamish, I'd love to meet how I rank (reputation-wise) compared to other users.

I will add information technology to the list.



I would similar the option to select a rectangular area in the epitome editor, and mistiness it. This manner I could easily blur faces and automobile license plates when I edit my uploaded photos.

Imgur uses Aviary for the avant-garde editing. If it doesn't have a blur option then there'southward nothing I can do :( Withal, in that location'southward a rectangle option, so you could merely black it out instead.



Like 99% of the images I am trying to upload today accept broken links that requite me a 502 error message.

I tin upload and edit the pictures fine, but when I get to the final screen virtually all of the link are broken.

After some inquiry and probing, it appears that the trouble was isolated to 1 of Voxel's DNS recursors. This event has been solved and all links should be working again.


Under review

Sometimes I'grand simply too lazy to click side by side when I'm browsing all the height pictures of the day and information technology would be totally awesome with a slideshow feature.

I read that ones own albums have the option to enable slideshows.

 then it shouldn't be likewise hard to add together it to the frontpage.


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